Dust Control
Read more at Dust Control for Rural Residences
Road Maintenance / Snow Clearing
The RM has 2 graders dedicated to maintaining the rural road network in the Municipality. Applications for custom work can be addressed to the RM Administration office for approval and scheduling. **Road Condition Map
** Work may scheduled only after an application is made to the RM Office
Custom Work Rates (Res. 99/22-23)
effective April 1, 2023
- minimum: $50.00
- hourly: $185.00
- snow removal (driveway): $50.00
Weight Restrictions on Roads
Click Here to learn more about weight restrictions on roads and to read current orders issued by the Ministry of Highways
The RM annual mowing program is focused to maintaining the ditches of our rural road network in the Municipality. Second priority areas include un-graveled/less-travelled (back) road allowances.
Hay Salvage **
RM Bylaw 6-2019 states;
Roadside Hay Salvage
9. (1) The annual Ditch Mowing program provides control of brush and weeds, which maintains sightlines for motorists on curves and intersections. The program also optimizes snow storage in ditches, which reduces drifting on the road’s surface during the snowy winter months.
(2) Hay Salvage makes hay available at no cost on municipal road ditches, under the following guidelines;
a) Requests for hay salvage will be co-ordinated with the RM mowing program.
b) Priority for cutting and baling ditches is given to the adjacent landowner before July 8. However, after July 8, the hay can be recovered by anyone, without the permission of the adjacent landowner. This is providing that salvage operations haven’t already begun.
c) Hay should be cut at a uniform height in the ditches and bales must be placed no less than eight meters (26 feet) away from the shoulder of the road. The RM may remove hay bales in locations deemed dangerous for motorists. As well, all hay bales shall be removed by August 8, otherwise they will be subject to removal by the RM.
** Hay Salvage is not guaranteed